I have recently been asked by several people how I set up my center rotation schedule. This rotation schedule is set up with 20 students. If you have more than 20 you can add more students to each group. The only thing that moves on this chart are the top cards. Listening center will go to the next spot and Poetry will take the first spot on the next day and so on.
Color meaning:
Red: Low Achieving Readers
Orange: Medium Low Achieving Readers
Blue: Medium High Achieving Readers
Green: High Achieving Readers
I match Low Achieving Readers with Medium High Achieving Readers and Medium Low Achieving Readers with High Achieving Readers. This grouping is done this way as to not have too much of a gap between the readers. Students are partnered to give each other help during independent centers: Listening, Computers, Word Building, Spelling, and Poetry.
9:00 - 9:30
Teacher - All Red Students
Book Making - All Blue Students
Independent Centers - Listening Center Orange 1 and Green 1, Computers Orange 2 and Green 2, Word Building Orange 3 and Green 3 (Notice, on this particular day no one goes to Spelling or Poetry.)
Seat Work - Orange 4 and Green 4, Orange 5 and Green 5
9:30 - 10:00
Teacher - All Blue Students
Book Making - All Red Students
Independent Centers - Listening Center Orange 4 and Green 4, Computers Orange 5 and Green 5 (Notice, on this particular day no one goes to Word Building or Spelling or Poetry.)
Seat Work - Orange 1 and Green 1, Orange 2 and Green 2, Orange 3 and Green 3
10:00 - 10:30
Teacher - All Orange Students
Book Making - All Green Students
Independent Centers - Listening Center Blue 1 and Red 1, Computers Blue 2 and Red 2, Word Building Blue 3 and Red 3 (Notice, on this particular day no one goes to Spelling or Poetry.)
Seat Work - Blue 4 and Red 4, Blue 5 and Red 5
10:30 - 11:00
Teacher - All Green Students
Book Making - All Orange Students
Independent Centers - Listening Center Blue 4 and Red 4 Computers Blue 5 and Red 5 (Notice, on this particular day no one goes to Word Building or Spelling or Poetry.)
Seat Work - Blue 1 and Red 1, Blue 2 and Red 2, Blue 3 and Red 3
Red: Low Achieving Readers
Orange: Medium Low Achieving Readers
Blue: Medium High Achieving Readers
Green: High Achieving Readers
I match Low Achieving Readers with Medium High Achieving Readers and Medium Low Achieving Readers with High Achieving Readers. This grouping is done this way as to not have too much of a gap between the readers. Students are partnered to give each other help during independent centers: Listening, Computers, Word Building, Spelling, and Poetry.
9:00 - 9:30
Teacher - All Red Students
Book Making - All Blue Students
Independent Centers - Listening Center Orange 1 and Green 1, Computers Orange 2 and Green 2, Word Building Orange 3 and Green 3 (Notice, on this particular day no one goes to Spelling or Poetry.)
Seat Work - Orange 4 and Green 4, Orange 5 and Green 5
9:30 - 10:00
Teacher - All Blue Students
Book Making - All Red Students
Independent Centers - Listening Center Orange 4 and Green 4, Computers Orange 5 and Green 5 (Notice, on this particular day no one goes to Word Building or Spelling or Poetry.)
Seat Work - Orange 1 and Green 1, Orange 2 and Green 2, Orange 3 and Green 3
10:00 - 10:30
Teacher - All Orange Students
Book Making - All Green Students
Independent Centers - Listening Center Blue 1 and Red 1, Computers Blue 2 and Red 2, Word Building Blue 3 and Red 3 (Notice, on this particular day no one goes to Spelling or Poetry.)
Seat Work - Blue 4 and Red 4, Blue 5 and Red 5
10:30 - 11:00
Teacher - All Green Students
Book Making - All Orange Students
Independent Centers - Listening Center Blue 4 and Red 4 Computers Blue 5 and Red 5 (Notice, on this particular day no one goes to Word Building or Spelling or Poetry.)
Seat Work - Blue 1 and Red 1, Blue 2 and Red 2, Blue 3 and Red 3