SOC-902 Monterey: Historic Capital of California
SOC 902, Monterey, Historic Capital of California, is a 100% online course. Gain a deeper understanding of the importance Monterey had in the establishment of California as a state. In this online course, you will learn about the Rumsen Indians, the settlement of Alta California, the Carmel Mission, and the effects of the Gold Rush on Monterey. You will understand why Monterey was considered the capital through many periods in history, including the period of the first California Constitutional Convention. Through video lesson and oral histories, you will become familiar with many significant historic sites and people. Teachers will be able to take the content of this course, as well as the engaging practical technological lessons right back to their classroom. Brochure to share with your colleagues. Save $15 by using this code Winter45. These are some tools you will learn to utilize in this course.
Sign up here for this course at Fresno Pacific University, Center for Professional Development.
Learn more about this course by viewing this short video. |